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Meta quest link boots but goes to a gray screen

Honored Guest


My quest link is not working and this happened a couple days ago. I've rebooted my entire pc multiple times and it has not fixed the issue. I can't uninstall because the uninstaller is baked into the app (great design for someone who's app won't work) and it lead to that screen as well. Using my Rift S (which isn't the problem) I saw the grid square area you load in to but there was a loading symbol instead of the UI. Also, my controllers weren't showing up on the headset even though the controllers were showing that they were connected. If anyone else knows a better way to fix it rather than uninstalling the files manually, please help.


Honored Guest

i've got the exact same issue, i downloaded the appinstaller again and when starting it up, i could repair/completely uninstall the app, and then reinstall. i did that, i uninstalled ALL FILES. and when i reinstalled the app, it oppened up to the exact same grey box where my headset and controllers arent responding, and i can't repair the app, or use it in any way.


@apupnamedrocky  @Compromized  you could try a fix from here - 

Recent Oculus VR bug fix : r/dcsworld

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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