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Meta quest pro controllers not connecting or tracking.

Honored Guest

No matter how many times you factory reset or restart your headset, or repair the pro controllers and even factory reset them. They never connect to the headset.

Every 30 seconds or even less a notification just pops up saying "left and right controller updating 0%". But they never update, the number doesn't change from 0 whatsoever and you just carry on getting the notification.

It's clearly that the recent headset updates have stopped the quest pro's from connecting and even if they do connect, they don't track. 

I wish there was a way to go into older updates where the pro controllers actually work. Or atleast I pray that meta release a new update that fixes the issue.


Honored Guest

Exact same issues here!! I’m on Day 2 of trying all of the tips to get my new Pro controllers to work with either my Quest 2 or my Quest 3. Stuck at 0%. 

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