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Meta quest saying email is wrong on

Honored Guest

Ive been trying to login to my headset but it keeps telling me the login to and I tried logging in but it's telling me my email is wrong, or it's not connected to any accounts which is a lie because it's connected to the account ik messaging on, I just need help with this it's making me mad


Honored Guest

Exact same thing happening to me, its very annoying. Hope someone can help. If not the thing is going in the bin!!!

Honored Guest

Same thing here, my headset was logged but suddenly I can't log anymore to me account, and now my headset ask for connection with Meta/device which is impossible to achieve as I can't log to my account with an error like "mail adress or password incorrect" despite using the two factor auth with code emailed.

Going for a trip in 2 days, was eager to use my headset as kind of pc during the trip but it's no more usable than a brick

Honored Guest

Same thing here email not valid when Damm well that's the email!!!!

Honored Guest

same i hope they fix it soon

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