01-12-2025 06:25 PM
Hello, i think there is a bug in regards to meta quest 2 (only one i have to test it) where microphone is enabled everywhere in the settings (audio and camera), but mic just wasn't working at all. Tried calling, voice message (didn't even start recording as it just couldn't get past 0:00), applied mic permissions on all apps, tested mic on PC and it showed 50% constant use (no reaction to sounds or silence) but no sound produced from the test which was super strange.
Tried my Bluetooth headphones with microphone (had them paired up beforehand this issue and i never needed oculus mic to work as i always had it muted before) and mic on these didn't work either so tried to unpairing then use oculus mic, no success then paired headphones again but no success on the microphone working.
I was thinking of resetting the device to factory settings untill i stumbled upon a post where people tried to connect external microphones. In that post i found that there is "experimental features" settings for enabling external mics, so i enabled that and it fixed my oculus microphone! So that means that there is an issue with firmware as it flags integrated mic as external one.
If meta support staff could look into it, that would be great to fix it as i am not only one who experienced problems with microphone not working.
a month ago
Hi there, thank you for bringing this to our attention.
So that we can investigate this issue further could you please send us a private message so we can gather some details from you.
Please select our name to get to our profile page, or click here: https://metaque.st/CommunitySupport. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.
Hope to hear back form you soon!
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