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Most 2D apps closing on quest 2


So recently as im at my dads house right now, steam link has been not working at all, considering im using a new network I just caulked it up to that, but after trying to open some 2D sideloaded apps such as cx file explorer I noticed this issue isnt exclusive to steamlink, it also occurs with the majority of 2D apps on my quest 2, so far all I know is most unknown sources and steamlink so I just would like to ask if anyone else had this issue because now I just cant use steamlink anymore, I really really REALLY hate airlink so I really dont want to have to do that.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello there, @Ange10fDeath! We certainly want to ensure a smooth experience with VR. We can look into this together but would need some additional details. First, try launching applications that are through the Meta Quest app rather than Steam. This can help in narrowing down the possible cause further. Please also let us know the exact error that is encountered when attempting to launch the applications. We hope to hear back soon, and have a great day!

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not much to say other than the app closes itself, I dont open these through steam I open them via my library (Steam link) or unknown sources (Cx file explorer and side quest) things like the browser and native 2D apps work fine but things already stated do not

Thank you for clearing that up for us, @Ange10fDeath. While we do understand your feelings about SteamVR apps not loading, we will not be able to assist with apps or any issues that occur from SteamVR or from sideloading apps. We do hope you enjoy the rest of your day!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

I never said anything about steamvr apps, steamlink is a software on the oculus platform that as if right now is not working for me, one again I am NOT talking about steamvr apps otherwise I would be on a steam thread, I am also not speaking about sideloading apps but rather sideLOADED apps I already have of which should natively be supported on the meta software. Once again I am talking about steamLINK not a steam application, the sideloaded apps are the least of my concern because these issues are correlated to each other meaning if I can get steamlink working im very confident my sideloaded apps will also start working.

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