08-11-2023 02:03 PM
I have 2, oculus 2 headsets and for the life of me i cant figure out how to have both me and my girlfriend play walkabout mini golf without getting her her own account and paying for a second game. Has anyone done this or do i have to get the game and have her set up her own account?
08-12-2023 04:48 AM - edited 08-12-2023 04:50 AM
Not all games allow multiplayer with a single account but Walkabout Mini Golf apparently does allow up to 5 players on a single account (according to this list on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/wiki/crossplay/?onetap_auto=true
Both headsets would have to be set up with the same account, then I guess you each just have to have a different in-game username.
I haven't tried this yet but it's something I've been meaning to do, so next chance I get I'll have a go. Anyone who's already doing this, please chip-in!
13700K, RTX 4070 Ti, Asus ROG Strix Z790-A Gaming, Corsair H150i Capellix, 64GB Corsair Vengence DDR5, Corsair 5000D Airflow, 4TB Samsung 870 , 2TB Samsung 990 Pro x 2, DK2, CV1, Rift-S, Quest, 2, 3, Pro, Windows 11 Pro 24H2 (10.0.26100)
12-01-2023 01:44 PM
Me and my son have been using a quest 2 on the same account for 7 months nearly. I've just a few days ago had a quest 3 delivered. We don't want to create a new account as we both never play the same games and want to keep game progress. Om about to try using a quest 2 and 3 under my Kobra4645 account. Him in pop1 ghosts if Tabor gorilla tag and me in horizon.. I've no idea if this will work !??
10-25-2024 06:29 PM
I have tried it and it works flawlessly.
To me Walkabout MiniGolf has the perfect multiplayer design.
It's the ideal family co-op game. There are 5 game saves each with its own avatar. You just create a private room name and share it with your family. It not only supports multiple Quests (and Rifts) on the same account, but my son on his Playstation VR 2 can also play with us.
I wish all multiplayer games used this design.
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