12-21-2024 11:33 AM
Playing a game like Arizona Sunshine, where you have 2 pistols and a rifle can you pair 4 controllers to use the dual pistol and rifle toys? Or is there a way to use both the dual pistols and rifle toy controller add ons without 4 controllers all paired at the same time?
12-21-2024 03:20 PM
@Chrikles I'm not able to try it with four controllers, but based on the logitech MX-ink VR pen reviews, it looks like the headset can only see two accessories at one time. like two controllers or one controllers and a VR pen. So, based on this you're probably not going to be able to pair an extra one or two controllers to the headset.
12-21-2024 09:13 PM - edited 12-21-2024 09:19 PM
Touch Pro controllers don't need to be seen by the headset; they track themselves. So, they could be used independently of the headset's camera tracking limitations.
Unfortunately, you can't use them like a secondary pair to complement Touch Plus controllers. The mobile app will always unpair the previous Touch controllers when connecting another set, as if you were replacing them.
12-22-2024 05:03 PM
The actual runtime only allows 2 controllers, that's all that software can see. The Rift CV1 supports 3 (where 1 can't use it's buttons or triggers, it's for mixed reality camera tracking), but they removed that feature in all later headsets.
12-22-2024 06:17 PM
@kojack great! so I need to grow another arm to get the full potential out of my CV1?
12-23-2024 12:17 AM
That would be one way. 🙂
Basically you pair a third controller as a VR Object instead of a controller. It flashes a new firmware that disables all controls and vibration and stuff, and forces it to stay powered on even if not moving.
The SDK supports 4 VR Objects, but when you try to add more than one only the last one added works. They never fixed it and instead dropped the feature from later headsets.
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