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My BT mouse doesn't work with 3rd party browsers anymore.

Honored Guest

I was curious if anyone else is or has experienced this issue similar to mines? I even factory reset my headset to be sure and the same problem persists, basically my BT mouse and Ps5 controller was able to communicate with these other browsers and now my mouse can only interact with the address bar and buttons, but nothing below the address bar. I like having these other browsers because I can continue my work from one computer that I have synced and continue on Meta while I'm out and about. Geforce Now was my go to for gaming on the go, and I'd even make a tutorial if this would be fixed but no updates and its broken.

I remember this working extremely well on v69 but I suddenly got an update to v71 and it doesn't seem to be working anymore.

Edited Note: The Meta 3 browser seems to be working flawlessly. I have talked to support on 3 occasions over the course of 5-7 hours troubleshooting it with no luck. They recommended I factory reset so I did, and the problem still persists. I truly believe v71 broke this feature.

Just reaching out to see if anyone has experinced something similar to this or the exact problem I'm having.


Honored Guest

Update: Talked to a support rep and they are forwarding this issue. Hopefully it get fixed.

Honored Guest

Safe to assume no one is doing what I'm doing to experience the freedom of gaming in meta. I'm alone in this.

Honored Guest

I guess I'll keep bumping my own post.

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