06-29-2016 01:20 PM
07-11-2016 06:07 AM
07-11-2016 07:31 AM
07-11-2016 07:45 AM
07-11-2016 02:43 PM
07-11-2016 05:26 PM
After reading everyone's post, and having the same issues, I thought I would share my research and hypothesis here. I could trace my issue to a slight tug on the headset cable while playing. I went through all the troubleshooting, including a different computer.
I suspected the tug on the cable was the most obvious cause. As I was performing a detailed and step by step troubleshooting on my system and changing USB ports, I noticed a very slight bend in the USB Type A connection of the Rift headset cable. A damaged cable may eventually happen to us all unless, a pet gets to it first.
I started to research the cable manufacturer, Spectra7. Palmer Luckey was correct when he stated, "Cables are going to be a major obstacle in the VR industry..." but in more ways than he may have expected. Inside the USB Type A connector, sits a micro circuit board manufactured by Spectra7. If you go to their website and click on Chips, you will see many variations of the micro circuit boards that are attached to the USB connection. There is a very delicate wiring connection to this small board (VR7050). http://www.spectra7.com/vr7050 (Pics below but, cannot verify they are Oculus).
If any of the very small soldered connections wires are jarred loose, it will impact the Rift and render it inop (anyone wanting to test this theory, unplug your headset USB and you will find the symptoms are identical to the majority of the problems mentioned in other areas.
I believe a major portion of the problems I see reported are from faulty/loose/disconnected wiring connections either in manufacturing, shipping or, more likely, what happens by the end user under a constant (or one time) tugging and pulling on the cable while using the rift that breaks these fragile connections.
Even though Spectra7 beefed up and reinforced their USB/HDMI connections at the terminal end, I don't believe it was enough. I also believe Oculus should make a major "caution" to users to be acutely aware of any possible pulling at the terminal end of the Rift cable. If it does not damage your cable, it can damage your computer USB/HDMI receptacle.
Nonetheless, one may determine from the posts here, on reddit, and many other forums, that their are a host of issues with this cable.
Since the cable is proprietary and certainly must be expensive, I believe the reason for lack of customer support or communication may be because this issue with the cable is the Achilles heal of the system. I do not think anyone anticipated the very fragile and delicate connections in this cable to fail so often. My thoughts are there are not enough replacement cables to address everyone's issues. http://www.vrcircle.com/post/oculus-rift-replacement-hdmi-cable
Personally, I don't want to believe that the employees and customer support in particular, of Oculus would purposely ignore their customers without guidance from above. It's just not good for job security to see so many customers complaining and not be able to reply or address them directly through email. Some information is better than none.
It's been over 2 weeks since I contacted Oculus with no response. I just hope we can get back up again soon.
07-25-2016 02:44 PM
(Oculus Support)
25, 2:18 PM PDT
want you to know that I really appreciate your patience with this entire process
so far. I understand this is not the best experience and I'm doing my best to
try and get this made up for you. This is not a normal replacement experience
and a replacement should not take this long and do not take this long currently.
There was an anomaly that caused this issue and our team is working to correct
it. Even though there seems to be no movement between our emails I assure you we
are doing a lot of stuff internally to try and correct this for you. I have been
escalating to absolutely everyone I possibly can to get this taken care of or
expedited and explore any alternatives to get this out faster and have your
specific ticket as a top priority over all of my other customers. You should be
able to leave a complaint on my CSAT, but you should know I have made your
complaint clear to some of the highest possible support members in the company.
I will be following up with you when I hear back with more information and let
you know the current details. You should not expect to have a similar experience
from Oculus in the future as this just happened to be a very rare circumstance
you encountered. I can't apologize enough on behalf of the company for the
issues with the processing of a replacement at the warehouse. I hope you can
continue to do business with us in the future and I think you will really enjoy
our future products and services.
The guy who is now dealing with it has been brilliant to be fair. I just want a working unit now. Its a p£ss take! If the case has been taken so highly then someone must have the authority to just have a new unit sent out!
07-25-2016 03:02 PM
07-25-2016 03:05 PM
07-25-2016 05:38 PM
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