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My Instagram account disabled

Honored Guest

Dear lnstagram Team
My Account has been disabled a few days ago in instagram. I do not know how and why My account was disabled. There is no any mistake in My Account, I have lots of feelings with my account. I have been using this account for many years. Please instagram give me my account back
<span;>Please resolve my issue.</span;>
<span;>Thank You.</span;>.   GMail redacted.  Username mann.3o2


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @mann.675851 - Thank you for your message. If you are encountering issues with your Instagram account, you should contact Instagram directly on their Help Center. Here at Meta Quest Support, we only offer help for Meta Quest products and Meta Horizon accounts. 


We hope you will gain access to your account soon! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!


it really hurt a lot dear, it also happened to me last week when i wanted to post on my personal account and it refreshed and got Disabled i was confused cause i also got lot of memories init, The luck i had was that i did a research for a specialist recovery assistance and i found "Xiaospyplatform@" and also they on "tiktok @ Xiaospy1". They helped me massively in recovering my disabled account, immediately when i gave them the details to work on it, and it all went good, honestly i can't thank them enough for the successful recovery they did for me.

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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.

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