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My Order States 'Cancelled'

Honored Guest

I decided to buy quest 2... and unfortunately after a few hours I got a message about canceling my order - I'm from Poland and I checked if it was delivered to me... everything indicates that it is, I paid with PayPal - I got a message that the payment has not been made debited from my account - I was charged the full amount twice...I ordered again with a different zip code because there are two correct codes on my address... and I thought that was the reason for the cancellation... now I was left without the quest and without money what should i do? anyone can help somehow? because PayPal tells me to contact meta and the message from META is clear "We haven't charged your payment method."


Community Manager
Community Manager

Heya @Rikovvy. Being charged for something that was cancelled is definitely concerning and we don't want you to lose out on your money. We would like to look into this further and see what we can do about this. With that being said, we would like for you to send us a PM. 


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