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My Quest 2 Just Bricked Itself...


I am on the newest hotfix of v27.1 or whatever u wanna call it... ugh why? I was just playing beat saber for an hour before this happened, I turned off my headset and turned it back on a few minutes later to see the "updating" logo 😐


I haven't played in 2 days and got on today and played an hour of beat saber when I turned off my headset and turned it back on after a few minutes I got this "updating" logo thing?


when it finished it had the oculus logo fading in and out for over 30 minutes, eventually I turned off the headset and I've been literally at stuck wasting my time, the headset turns on and shows the oculus logo and the few seconds later after the boot up jingle it literally goes to sleep like my head isn't on the sensor, when I cover the sensor while it's "on" nothing is working, oculus WHY?

I've been at this for an hour, what is going on, battery is at 84% and my Oculus App literally deleted the headset from the app??


Factory Resetting manually (holding power button + minus button) does nothing, when I confirm the manual factory reset, it takes me to the reset screen for literally 1 second and auto boots back up and does the same thing, why why why why why why I 've had this headset for only 2 months, what the??????



Expert Protege

It's possible you have a refurbished model that was returned for the same reason.

Honored Guest

I have exactly the same problem. Bro you are not alone. Oculus please respond to this.

Honored Guest

Any updates on your issue? They don't even seem to know why this occurs... This is exactly what happened to me word for word except I was playing Beat Saber and actually had the head set on when it started wigging out. My Sabers disappeared then I started floating off the platform in circles. So I just thought all I had to do was reset it but nope just straight black screens from there... A youtuber said that this happened to them too after playing Beat Saber so I think it might have something to do with that game.

Hey Josh, I unfortunately had to resolve this issue through customer support and they sent a replacement.


It took about 2 to 3 weeks without an Oculus Quest 2 as they have to receive the bricked headset in order to send out your replacement all because an update crashed on itself and got stuck on a loop?


I spent like a full day trying to fix this myself and looking for help online with no luck and had to resort in getting a replacement...


My replacement headset is about 5 months old now and still working, currently on version 33 and I hope to God it doesn't do this again because I am on my third headset lol



Honored Guest


i bought a brand new one and this is happening to me too

Hi there! We would love to assist you with this! We see you are experiencing some bothersome issues with the headset updating. At this time, we would like for you to reach out to our support team here if you have any more questions or concerns. 



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Honored Guest

This is currently happening to me. I tried for 2 days to get it working again. I had it wig out once before but it came back on after it cooled off. I let my device charge after the switch to meta and let it update. It was put in the box right after because I was moving stuff around and I wanted to make sure it was safe. I expected maybe some battery discharge but there should have been some charge but when I took it out to play yesterday there was no signs of life. So I hooked it to the charger that came with it. no indicator light. i tested the charger on another device, it was fine. Cleaned the port, still nothing. I let it charge overnight (6+ hours) and still no life. I was told to factory reset it to fix this and all the threads online said the same thing but i cant even get it to do anything. it has no power. so how can I even do it? I did it all. held power and vol dwn. just power. 30 seconds. 60 seconds. I even tried for 3 minutes because some had more success that way. NOTHING.

My device is the 64gb model that they don't even sell anymore. it was the same price as the current ones with more space lol. It was barely used, however. I saved up and got it and i had to hunt it down and wait for backorder even and then when I finally got it i ended up with a complicated pregnancy and couldn't use it because well, motion sick much? lmao. I can play it now which makes it so upsetting that this basically barely used quest 2 isn't powering on or charging when it was fine before. It worked right before I put it away because i had used it with bigscreen to stream on it. That and vr chat was basically all I did with it lol.

I caved and contacted support. They advised me to provide all the info...but i had tossed the box aside somewhere while moving stuff and couldnt find it at the time of our chat so he was unable to help. They want shipping info, serial on the original box, the number on the device itself, proof of receipt. i was unable to get receipt or box serial at that moment as it was taking a while to hunt down so he emailed me to get back to him. I ofc found them both RIGHT AFTER the chat ended LOL. As I went to email it to him, I had already recieved approval for an RMA. They want you to only send the device. nothing else. JUST the device. No charger or cables or accessories. They will NOT return with any of that stuff. it will only be a new/refurbed headset. They also said put it in a box that forms to protect the headset but not the original box because you may need it in the future and they will NOT ship the replacement in the same box you sent out. So put it in a safe box.
I am just waiting on a shipping label to be sent which it says 3 business days and then after they get it it will come in a couple weeks or so.

I am not a fan of rebubished but working is better than nothing at all.. maybe the battery was just faulty. It did seem to die quite fast but then again I did have everything turned up for quality so i always associated that with it especially because i only used it a handful of times.

I am hoping the RMA experience goes smooth and I help this helps someone who runs into the issue.
Some people have resolved it but many were unable to without RMA so hope this comes in use for deciding whether or not to get help. the support chat was super helpful and fast. no waiting. and immediately after i got off it, i had already gotten the RMA approval email despite unable to give the box info or receipt immediately. i am very impressed with the fast response.

Honored Guest

Me too I think.
Turned it on after about a year or so and it worked. A bit later it will only power up to a screen with a picture of a corner of a cell phone and a message to update the Meta software, in 3 rotating languages. Factory reset did not help.

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