3 weeks ago
This has never happened before, but today after turning on my Quest 2 and using it for about 10–15 minutes.
I suddenly heard a brief popping sound and the power turned off.
I tried turning it back on just in case, and the boot logo briefly appeared before the power shut off again.
However, when I kept pressing the power button and it turned on normally again.
Given that it turned on again, I believe there shouldn't be a major issue, but is there any chance that it could explode or cause other problems while wearing it?
3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago
@Lazyhood was the battery in a low charge state when it shut down, as Quest 2 headsets can make a popping sound when they're forced to shut down with a flat battery.
3 weeks ago
Before use the battery was around 90%...
so I don’t think it would have drained completely in 10–15 minutes...
3 weeks ago
@Lazyhood do you do a lot of fitness or fighting apps on the headset, where moisture from sweat could've caused the headset to shut down?
3 weeks ago
I haven’t done any exercise or intense movements while wearing VR yet. While playing shooting games, aside from moving my arms, I haven’t made any big movements in place....
I probably won’t be playing any games that require intense movements in the future, so it should be fine to wear the VR again???
3 weeks ago
@Lazyhood yeah, it sounds like it just may have been a glitch which forced the shutdown making the speakers pop. Just enjoy your VR.
3 weeks ago
Thank you for your response. By the way, there shouldn’t be any issues with the speakers, right? I turned the VR back on, and so far, the sound seems normal.
3 weeks ago
@Lazyhood No, the speakers just made a pop noise as it was shutting down. The speakers won't be affected.
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