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My childs account is suspended

Honored Guest

My son got a Quest 2 last year, and we set it up with his own account (he's 12 now)

However his account is now suspended. I want to make his existing account a child account, that I can manage, but there is no link/button for this

How do I change his account to a child account?



I don't think accounts can be converted once created. Child accounts are created by the parents under their own account. They are not independently created Meta accounts, which I'm guessing your son's original account was. If he was under 13 and had his own Meta account, that may be why the suspension. Under those conditions, I don't think you'll be able to recover that account and anything that was purchased with it since it was against Meta's ToS. I hope they can help you but don't be surprised if they cannot. 

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