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My facebook and instagram account were wrongly banned

Honored Guest

Dear Facebook/Instagram Support Team,


I am reaching out to kindly request a review of the recent ban placed on my personal Facebook account with the email address REDACTED, which I have cherished and actively used for nearly 20 years, as well as my Instagram account, f.arhanahmed which is also 8-9 years old ad well. These accounts hold immense sentimental and practical value to me, and I believe this action was taken in error. 


Recently, I launched a page titled Humanity Unchained on both platforms, dedicated to raising awareness about human rights abuses. While some of the content shared on these pages may have been graphic in nature, the intention was solely to shed light on critical issues and foster positive change—not to breach any community guidelines.


I deeply respect your platform’s rules and fully understand the need to maintain a safe and respectful environment for all users. To ensure compliance, I am more than willing to deactivate the Humanity Unchained pages if necessary. I assure you that my personal accounts have always adhered to your standards, as reflected in my long-standing history as a responsible and active user.


I kindly request your understanding and assistance in reinstating my personal accounts. Losing access has caused significant disruption to both my personal and professional life, and I would be truly grateful for your support in resolving this matter.


Please let me know if further information or clarification is needed to facilitate the review process. Thank you for taking the time to address my request, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Farhan Ahmed
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