a month ago
I have already tried:
-powering off
-charging it to 100%
-unistalling a few apps (some how on my iPhone)
What I am not doing for now is factory reset (I do NOT want to lose my save data)
I have a recording of it in action as well as a transcript of customer support. (Although it isn’t coming on somehow)
Solved! Go to Solution.
a month ago
I found a way to still play if anyone has the same issue. What you can do is go into the meta app, go to the 3 lines thing, library then click the game (MAKE SURE YOUR CONNECTED TO THE HEADSET) and select LAUNCH. Now you can play your games (this also solves the whole problem!)
a month ago
I found a way to still play if anyone has the same issue. What you can do is go into the meta app, go to the 3 lines thing, library then click the game (MAKE SURE YOUR CONNECTED TO THE HEADSET) and select LAUNCH. Now you can play your games (this also solves the whole problem!)
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