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My instagram and other accounts have been hacked, please help!

Honored Guest

Please can someone help?


I've had an awful time the past few days, trying to get this hacker/scammer off my accounts. They've been on everything I have or are still trying! including:

instagram/other socials


Steaming services


I am worried I have lost my personal account forever, which has stuff on there I don't want them or anyone else to gain access too. I have realised that they somehow got into my account and created a meta instagram, which is now linked to that account. When I follow the instructions to delete the account, it simply asks for a password or sends a notification to the hacker who has created/linked the account.


I really don't know what more I can do. is it gone for good? I currently have access to the instagram account but it seems because of the link to the meta account, it's only a matter of time before he shuts me out again. He's attempting to scam friends/family in my name.


Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated, thank you!

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