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My login hasn't worked for months and I've been looking for support for days

Honored Guest

After successfully completing two-factor verification, login does not work.
On the phone via the app I get the error "Account temporaneamente non disponibile Ottieni di nuovo l'accesso accedendo da un browser web." (Italian)
On Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera) the page does not load after login.
On the visor for months it has not loaded the profile in the local menu of quest 2.
I have already deleted cache and cookies and configured to allow them.

The support was not very helpful. It took me a long time to tell me to delete cookies and cache and try other browsers, when literally in the previous messages there were screenshots of other browsers and I said I had already done it.
Two days ago I was told that I had been transferred by a specialized team that has yet to write to me. I would like a hand, and unfortunately I imagine that complaining publicly helps. As you can see from this new account, I can log in. The problem is the account, not me with the various browsers, I hope that's clear. let me know what data i need to share about the account with the problem

The topic is: 07834227


Honored Guest

Update: everything is as before. I can't connect and support keeps telling me that they are working on the case and to delete the cookies.
it's exasperating to use a platform where it's difficult to reach support and once you get there it's not much use. The initial support page if you go to "account, login and password->app or service" you find support for IG and Facebook accounts but not for Meta accounts. For Meta accounts you only find the FAQ and if you enter and go to "contact Meta Store support" you go back to the initial support page. good work Meta.
I feel like support is a bot and stuck in a loop. It tries to fix my cookie problem, fails, asks me for information again, tells me to fix my cookie problem, fails. I don't know what to do, they don't give me any different answers, they don't act like anything has changed, no new contact or test ever comes up. Am I forced to have thrown all my money away on this account?

Honored Guest hahahahaha I found out they have this problem for 7 months and they tell you "they are working on it" in a loop. Exactly like what is happening to me

Honored Guest
It seems like they're full of people with the same problem for months and NO ONE has ever solved it. to everyone the support writes the same thing repeating itself and resetting the development of the speech every time. The problem should be due to those who did not enter the date of birth months ago and therefore find themselves with a blocked account. The problem is that on the visor it asks to enter via app, the app asks to enter via browser, and on browser even if you were to get to the tab where you can enter the date of birth it still redirects infinitely so as not to enter any date

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