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My oculus games wont downlod

Honored Guest
  • When i try to install an update or download a game it will try to download for a few seconds, then it goes back to the blue “download” button, i have storage available, and i just factory reset the oculus, and it still refuses to download anything.

Accepted Solutions

It fixed for me at 6:00 AM, i was able to download Ghosts of Tabor, and i was able to play it. The reason your background was black, is because it couldnt download the Desert Terrace basic background. Just wait it out, it could be the servers. Dont Factory Reset, You’ll be forced to wait without any games.

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Honored Guest

well dang, i factory reset my headset and now i dont know what to do. just a blank home (void) oculus menu works, apps wont install..

Honored Guest

I have the same problem and I contacted them but I have to wait like between 24 or 48 hours just for a response meta quest needs to fix this quick

Honored Guest

Same problem on Quest 3. 


Another user says its a server issue, DONT FACTORY RESET! 


Honored Guest

Same problem here, also with a Quest 3. I tried to chat with them, and the rep made it sound like they were aware of the issue. But then the chat crashed 🫤 (maybe the issue is bigger than just the downloads?) 


I have the quest 3 and have also did the factory reset but no matter what my headset will not download anything ,  just gets stuck showing downloading with no progress ,  has anyone figured out a solution ?   I really dont know why i keep buying meta headsets !   I have had all of the oculus headsets and every one of them has some kind of dumb issue ! 

Honored Guest

I’m having the same issue. Cannot download any games, apps, or updates. I’ve factory reset the headset in 2 different ways, so now I’ve lost access to the games I DID have downloaded. Would you mind helping me with next steps? I just want to be able to play my games again

Honored Guest

Hey Meta, as a person who has attempted to be patient with the almost constant stream of updates that somehow always manage to make the Quest unusable, and provide nothing in return, i think i've earned the right to say as a customer. Can you guys just fix the issue instead of having the customer do some jerry rigged solution themselves everytime? We pay you guys a lot of money for these consoles, fix them. Promptly. The fact I can't download any games since the new update is ridiculous.  Can't even use the console I spent multiple hundreds of dollars on! Definitely considering a class action because the fact I can't even use my console (Once I purchase these games I should be able to download them whenever, period.) is a complete disregard to your customer, and your product is not doing as advertised. Instead of uploading new features every day, fix the old issues! It's getting old!

Honored Guest

I see on DownDetector this is a problem affecting numerous users. Every digital store has an outage from time to time, but your inability to communicate that while users are stuck desperately hoping to fix the issue with old article and forum posts suggesting unhelpful fixes is deeply concerning. I got my Meta Quest 2 today, and I'm regretting this choice immensely already.

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