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My oculus quest 2 won't load my profile


I tried the app wifi trick but it didn't work I tried numerous times to restart my headset and I checked my internet connection so many times and it still does not load my profile I can't play games when I click on them it loads then sends me back to the home it worked just fine 3 days ago idk what happened I played rec room I stoped and the next day this problem had appeared when I click on my profile on the headset it tells me "it's impossible to load try later" it's been later I've been trying for 3 days by restarting and checking my wifi nothing works pls help


Accepted Solutions

We know a factory reset might seem daunting, but it's not as scary as it might seem! Performing a factory reset will get rid of all content on your device, and it will have you go through the set up process afterwards just like the first time you activated your headset. That being said, your games and purchases will stay on your account. You'll just need to redownload it all!


We also have a Cloud Backup feature now that is worth checking out! This will allow you to save in-game data. If you're having problems on your headset, you may not be able to enable it now. However, you can follow the steps in the linked article under "View apps supported by Cloud Backup" to check if your apps are backed up, and when they were.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

View solution in original post



Same problem. Profile won't load no matter what I try. Guardian is orange now too, btw.


None of the troubleshooting options provided on the website address 'profile not loading' issues. And then, when I go to Oculus Quest 2 support page I get error message "Oops! You are not authorized to access this page." even after I signed up and signed in.


The 'Contact Us' link just takes me back to the utterly useless 'Troubleshooting' page with zero contacts provided.


This is day 2 of this nonsense, and I have tried every tip and trick from every forum I could find and still my headset will not load my profile, despite the fact the the phone app works and logs in just fine and says my headset is connected (when it isn't).


This company has a LOT to learn about customer service.

Honored Guest

exact same thing happening to, i have tried all the other profile wont load solutions and still will not work. this is getting really annoying

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey everyone, we hate that this is happening to each of you, and we want to do everything we can to help. Everyone seems to have tried a big bulk of the troubleshooting steps, but we definitely do want to give each of you the opportunity to chat with an agent 1 on 1 to do a deep dive.


If our Contact Us page isn't leading to the right spot, head here, and you'll be able to submit a ticket with us! Once you've gone to Meta Quest 2, you can go through multiple Support options, then be sure to hit "This did not solve my issue" and you'll have the option to email us, or chat with us.  

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Hey poppy,


I resolved my issue with a factory reset. It was obviously my last resort as I did not want to burn time reinstalling all my sideloaded stuff, but when all else failed, I relented.


While it is not ideal (the problem shouldn't have happened in the first place, right?) it did fix my issue...maybe it can fix yours. Good luck!

What exactly does a factory reset do? Like I have read stuff on here and people say that there like dangerous? Will I still have my games? Will it reset like the first time I took it out of the box? If you know please tell me cause I'm starting to think I would try that 

Thank you


We know a factory reset might seem daunting, but it's not as scary as it might seem! Performing a factory reset will get rid of all content on your device, and it will have you go through the set up process afterwards just like the first time you activated your headset. That being said, your games and purchases will stay on your account. You'll just need to redownload it all!


We also have a Cloud Backup feature now that is worth checking out! This will allow you to save in-game data. If you're having problems on your headset, you may not be able to enable it now. However, you can follow the steps in the linked article under "View apps supported by Cloud Backup" to check if your apps are backed up, and when they were.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Hey GP,

It's a hassle, but it's not scary at all. Factory reset wipes your headset clean and resets it all to like when it came out of the box. The big difference (and the important part to all of us who are considering a factory reset) is all of your apps and games are "safe" in cloud storage on your Oculus/Meta account - which does not get wiped clean.


You will have to reinstall everything you previously had installed, but that is as simple as clicking on each app once the headset is restored, and obviously waiting for the download/install to occur.


The biggest issue is your sideloaded stuff. If you didn't keep the original files you will have to find them again. Otherwise, it's as simple as dragging the files back into your headset like you did when you originally sideloaded.


If you're totally stuck then absolutely do a reset. It's annoying, but not dangerous.


EDIT: I realise this comment is basically a repeat of the OculusSupport comment, but I made it because us Oculus users do not have strong faith in the Meta team to give us correct or helpful info. Hearing it from a fellow community member might instill a little more confidence in someone considering taking the factory reset step.

Honored Guest

I have this same issue and i try everything and nothing. Help pls i got this vr last friday

yeah you will just delete everything you have if you do factory reset, you will need to log in in your account and download all the stuff you had before again

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