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My world crash in Horizon worlds.
Honored Guest 

HI PEOPLE. From the yesterday timing. My world, the one up on the line.  And  the one we can go and enjoy. Crash it., as EDITOR MODE. We can't go in , And fix the other problem with the desconected doors or simply can Enter.... Is like the boton of edition... Doesn't work.. 

So... We did all the simple things clearly we have to do 


Delete the program and reinstall

Try to import the world try to copy the world..

We did from 2 different computers and places. And wify.

So ... After we try to connect with the support. That was the ending answer... Delete the world .... Because is your own problem... 

What???? How can be out problem... If there is not one affected just a mine machine... Is all the tema we spend 40h working in to it ..

Any help will be nice. Thank you... 








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