01-03-2025 09:29 AM
Received my Meta Quest 3 this week; I charged it overnight. To pint out, I was aware from researching there is an issue with the new update where a headset could become bricked. However, as a new unit and user, I followed the onscreen instructions; The unit automatically downloads the update when you forst start eh set up after connecting to WiFi.
My unit Bricked upon completion. The Meta Logo will show up, spin and shut off. The LED light on the side is steady white for about 10 seconds and then off.
I went to Meta chat support and the agent guided me through a factory reset, nada, no fix.
Here is my rub with this:
1. Why is it going to take up to 48 hours to get an email detailing my return and replacement. In addition, they said it could take up to 2 weeks after that email to receive a replacement
2. Replacement unit has NO guarantee to be new, it may be refurbished
3. How as a brand-new device can you set up the unit and safeguard against this when they have a KNOW update issue causing this?
Bottom line, I logged into my Amazon account, a NEW one will be here the same day, and the old one I will drop off for return. Meta needs to step up their support.
All of this being said, who is to say this won't happen with the new unit coming this afternoon??? Any tips form the community? META should be stopping this update IMMEDIATELY.
Thank you for the feedback,
01-03-2025 01:28 PM
@Halpinat0r there's a little thread about it here -
there's an issue with a current update that's causing the headsets to be unresponsive. Please keep your eye on the thread below for any official updates from meta. Add your voice to the thread.
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Tips and Tricks: Charging your Meta Quest Headset