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Honored Guest

I just bought the season pass for NFL Pro Era 2025 and I haven't gotten any of the things I paid for, no roster updates, defense, I've tried restarting, uninstalling, all of that and I still haven't gotten the content I paid for, is there anyway someone could help?


Honored Guest

Also I have tried joining a new team like it says and still nothing 

Hey there, @ButterCreamBobby!

I know it can be frustrating when you are excited to play a new DLC and it hasn't synced up with your game 😫

It would be best to reach out to the developer on their contact page here and they should be able to get the purchased DLC working for you 🙂

Hope this helps. Let me know if you need anything else 😎

Honored Guest

Try restarting the game, and if it still doesn’t work, go to the settings screen, click on settings, and make sure play defense is on.

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