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NFL Pro Era

Honored Guest

I Can’t snap the ball. Not even in the tutorial. I restarted the game, restarted my quest, and reinstalled the game. I was having difficulties snapping the ball when I bought the game earlier but now it refuses to snap. I’ve had no issues with any other games or apps. Please help, this game seems fun and I don’t want to have to refund it.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey Jdk.2007! We see you are having gameplay issues. No worries, we will make sure we get you pointed in the right direction so you can get back to gaming as soon as possible. When it comes to the games it is best to get you to the content providers support page so you can post any issues, questions, or suggestions you might have, To contact the developers of NFL Pro Era you would just need to go here and submit your request. We hope this has helped.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Honored Guest

Has this been resolved? I can’t snap the ball either. 

Hi @Sports_Junky1731, when it comes to NFL Pro Era issues, questions or suggestions, the best point of contact would be the developer support page. You'll be able to reach out by clicking here.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Honored Guest

Just bought this game and cannot snap the ball from my very first try. Same issue as previously posted. Will follow the link provided, but why not post the solution here to save time??  Very odd to see same response multiple times to click the SAME link for the SAME issue...

Has anyone discovered the resolution to this problem?

Honored Guest

Hi! I know this was last year but do you remember the fix for this? My son just bought the game and can't get the ball to snap and I can't find anyone online that posted the solution. 

Hello! You have to hit the two triggers on the top of the handles at the same time. It took us a while to get it going but it eventually started to work . Hope this helps. 

Hey there, @RhymeAllTheTime! We're keeping an eye on you and wondering if you have any other questions or concerns. If you do, we'll be pleased to assist you further. We'd also want to thank @Sports_Junky1731 for your suggestion. 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!
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