a month ago
I am developer working in a Registered company ,we give services of creating VR Application for our client .We are not going to Put application on Meta Store So do i need to pay any amount or how should i enable enable account, since it require to have an organization but we are not going to upload any apps .so why should we verify and give unnecessary details of organization verification. Does it involve any payment?
I just want to have a developer access to make apps
a month ago
It does not, but you do need to create an organization and verify your account.
a month ago
Can I signin with my company email and create an organisation without verification of org and ?since I don't want to have documents to verify it.
I just want a developer account,not going to upload any apps.
Meta will not sue the company right ?for not adding any payment or organisation verification.
It does not involve any payment or license fee?
a month ago
No and you are confusing the “verification” segment.
You only need to activate a method of 2 factor authentication for verification purposes.
2 weeks ago
so it means i can use my company email ID to sign in and verification.
No issues will happen....
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