01-14-2024 04:24 PM
When I bought my Oculus 2 a few years back, I didn't realize I could share games with my daughter. So I bought a few games on her account and haven't played the oculus in 2 years. She only had a Meta account for the oculus, went to log into it last night and was deleted and games gone. Before I updated my Oculus, I couod still see her name and avatar. When I selected it, it wouldn't load anything. Tried logging into her meta and would not loggin. Updated oculus and her account was gone. And games gone. Is it possible to recover that account.
01-23-2024 10:56 AM
Hey there! We appreciate you bringing this issue to our attention. We are sorry to learn that your daughter's account has been deleted, and we would like to help you retrieve it as quickly as possible. We definitely don't want our fellow gamers missing out on the opportunity to utilize any games/apps purchased with us. So rest assured, we'll be happy to assist you with this.
Let's get this conversation moved over to our private messaging section so that we can take a further look into this for you. You can get there by selecting our name to get to our profile page, or click here. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.
We'll be looking forward to hearing back from you.
01-24-2024 11:13 AM
Hey, hey @KILLB0! We're checking in to make sure you were able to get that account issue fixed, or if you've run into any further trouble with that at all. No user should have to deal with lost access for long, and we want to make sure everything went smoothly for you along the way. Please don't hesitate to reach back out with a PM, as we'd love to help!
Did this answer your question? If it didn’t, use our search to find other topics or create your own and other members of the community will help out.
If you need an agent to help with your Meta device, please contact our store support team here.
Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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