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Need help to escalate a case

Honored Guest

On December 10, 2024, one day after I placed an order under my account for the Quest 3 as a gift for my Fiancé he received a loyalty promotional offer from Meta for a $100 gift card when ordered through a link provided in the email.  I promptly contacted Meta customer service TWICE and explained that he received the offer and I asked if he could still get the $100 gift card as the Quest 3 I ordered through my account was for him, and I SPECIFICALLY asked if I needed to cancel the order under my account and reorder through his account.  I explained that I did not want to reorder as it would ruin the surprise of his Christmas gift  but I would do so to get the $100 gift card.  I received two separate replies from 2 different customer service representatives indicating that he would still get the gift card and I was NOT told that I had to reorder through his account to get the promotional offer. On December 25th after he activated the Quest 3 under his account I again contacted Meta customer support as he did NOT get the offer that 2 separate customer service agents said that he would automatically get.  Multiple emails and several (10+) customer service representatives  later I was told that he would NOT get the $100 gift card as it was not ordered under his account.  As stated above, I had explained from the beginning that the Quest 3 was being ordered under my account, NOT through his account and SPECIFICALLY asked if I needed to cancel the order under my account and reorder under his account to get the $100 gift card - I was told that he would get the promotional offer and I was NOT told that I needed to reorder.  They say their hands are tied.  I do not believe that they cannot credit his account or send a gift card to honour the loyalty gift card promotion that 2 separate Meta customer service representatives stated he would receive.  In Canada an email is a legally binding agreement and 2 separate representatives stated in emails that he would get the $100 gift card knowing all information including the fact that the Quest 3 was not being ordered under his account.  At no time was I told to reorder, which I stated I would do.  The 2 Meta customer service representatives that said he would get the promotional offer, in a legally binding email, were aware of all of the facts including that the Quest 3 was NOT being ordered under his account and that I was willing to cancel the order that had only been placed 1 day prior and reorder through his account.  This is unacceptable and I am looking for advice on how to proceed from here?

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