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Need more Chinese input methods for Taiwan and other Mandarin user

Honored Guest
Taiwan, as an official shipping region for Meta Quest products and with a population of over 23 million, does not have support for Chinese Zhuyin input in the Quest system (only chinese display interface is available). When we reached out to customer service, they simply directed us to provide feedback on the forums. Fine, that’s exactly what I’m doing.
Not only is there a lack of Chinese Zhuyin input, but in regions like China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore, where the product has not been officially launched, there are many Chinese users who primarily use Chinese Pinyin input (of course, there are also Cangjie, Simplified, several input methods). We hope that support for these input methods can be added so that a large number of Chinese / Mandarin enthusiasts can use Quest more smoothly.

Supplement: Although I know that other input methods can be installed through Sidequest, this is only limited to use in other Android apps and cannot be enabled in most system built-in apps.
台灣作 為Meta Quest 產品的正式出貨地區,並且有超過兩千三百萬人口,Quest系統卻沒有支援中文注音輸入(僅有中文顯示介面)。反映給客服,卻只是要我們上論壇來反映,好的,那就是我正在做的事。
不僅是中文注音輸入,在未正式販售的中國、香港、馬來西亞、新加坡等地區,也有許多華人使用者,以中文拼音輸入為主(當然還有倉頡/速成/筆劃等其他輸入法使用者),希望能一併支援,讓廣大的華人愛好者,能更順暢地使用 Quest 。

補充:雖然我知道能夠透過Sidequest安裝其他輸入法,但這僅限於其他安卓 APP 內使用,在多數系統內建的APP內是無法啟用的。

Honored Guest


Honored Guest


Honored Guest

+1 👍👍👍

Honored Guest

We love using your Quest products and appreciate the incredible experiences they provide. However, we’ve noticed the lack of support for Traditional Chinese input, which makes it challenging for our family and others who rely on it.


We kindly ask you to consider adding a Traditional Chinese input method in future updates to make Quest more accessible and inclusive. Thank you for your dedication to innovation and user experience.

Honored Guest


Honored Guest



Honored Guest




Honored Guest


Honored Guest


I really hope there is a Chinese input method for Taiwan

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