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Need some advice on customizing a pc to buy and I'm having issues with the new installer

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Aaaaaaalrighty then, since my last discussion was a disappointing train wreck, I'll fix it here; I'm getting a desktop and I need help tweaking it so I get the best bang for my buck;
Oh, something else I should note, I am most certainly going to get the GTX1080 FE, should I drop the graphics card on this thing altogether? (and yes, I am aware this makes me sound like a complete moron)

secondly; I have a gtx 970m laptop (spare me your grievances) and whenever I try to install the new runtime, it says "graphics card not found" I know that its a laptop and "the oculus doesn't work with laptops", but it does so lets all get past that, any suggestions for how to bypass or redirect it or something to that effect? 

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