12-20-2019 05:09 AM
Hi all.
My PC specs below.
i7 6600
Z170 AR motherboard
2 x 8gb ddr4 ram
Win 10
GTX 1080
PCI-Express soundcard x-fi
PCI-Express USB 3 4 port card
So I had my CV1 since day 1 with 1 sensor and worked great, no
issues. I’ve since bought some oculus touch controllers and came with 2
extra sensors for room scale VR.
So before the Startech PCI-Express usb3 board arrived in post, I had
one extra sensor connected and the touch controllers working great. Now
when the PCI-Express card arrived, I also purchased 2 x 5m active USB3
extension cables to connect to the extra sensors (these came from office
The idea was to run everything to the Startech 4 port card since it
has 4 x dedicated controllers for maximum bandwidth. This card is
connected to a PCI-E 16x port.
So when everything was connected and I assume the drivers for the USB
pcie card was installed (I did check and try let windows update it),
there were no conflicts and appeared to be installed and working. The
issue started when I believe power to the rift and sensors now come on
and off and can’t get much stability.
I’ve tried to rearrange the USB connections and tried shifting the
Startech usb card to another pcie slot, yet it still seems to cut in and
out of detection.
**A forum user suggested unplugging the USB extension cables**
Although, I tried connecting the headset and one sensor (original one
without extension cable) back to the PC and still seemed to have
instability in connection. Hell the first sensor I originally had it
plugged in my monitor and the rift to its own USB3 port on the
Product ID for the usb card is PEXUSB3S44V from Startech.
The Extension cables are Comsol USB 3.0 Active Extension Cable 5m.
Ok here’s an update.
I’ve tested the original setup (one sensor and rift) and works.
I’ve entered the bios and manually selected Gen3 or the fastest
setting for all PCI-E slots to set the highest bandwidth possible.
I’ve reinstalled the PCI-e USB3 card in the 3rd PCI-e x16 slot and
windows detected and installed the appropriate drivers. Device manager
detects it as 4 x Renesas USB3.0 eXtensible host controller – 1.0
(Microsoft), which is exactly as the manual states.
I’ve removed the usb3 extension cables and plugged the sensors
directly to the USB3 pcie card. I’ve also tried all sorts of different
combinations to try *balance* the USB load.
It seems that once I start the oculus setup and attempt to bind
either touch controller, I get a oculus hardware error and loose
connection to the headset??
I have a spare non-working rift here that I’ve even swapped the hdmi/usb cord and made no difference.
I’m about to remove the pci-e card again and try the same tests.
Another update.
So now even with the usb3 expansion card removed and one sensor connected as per original setup, I can’t get it working either.
Perhaps I need to re-install the oculus software..
Thats where I'm up to at this point. Highly frustrated and a non functioning VR setup. I'm about to remove and re-install oculus now. If a tech support dude can direct me to the log files, please let me know. I hope the resolution will be easy.
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