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New Oculus Quest never starts just 3 blinking dots after oculus logo

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I have tried several dozen times to set up my oculus quest. it gets through to ios oculus appp set up then continue to just go into 3 blinking dot mode never further. several times I have held down the power button to restart and got a calibration screen for 2 seconds then back into blinking 3 dots.

I have tried both an iPad pro 11 inch with OSX 12.3.1 and an iphone 6s plus running OSX 12.3.1

I have tried multiple wifi networks.

I have left charging until 100%

I have tried software app factory reset.

I have tried holding down the volume - and power button and manual hardware reset and erase.

several times it then won't perform ios set up it will stop at controller pairing.

Several times it gets to a blue download bar graphic 
"updating your headset
you will be notified on your phone
when your headset is ready"
several times its frozen at around 99%

if I ios app factory reset then perform hardware volume - and power device erases and factory reset I can get through ios set up but then it updates software then tells me to put the device on to continue set up and I just get 3 blinking dots and device never continues into set up.

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