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No apps install on Quest 1 , serial number not recognised by Meta for support


Hi , 

I recently went to use my Quest 1 and all apps installed on the headset were no longer there. They still appear as not installed in the store app. Clicking on Install on any app , pre-existing or new does nothing. It appears to start and then just stops.

I have factory rest headset and reinstalled meta horizon app and also created a new account to connect however i continue to not be able to make any progress.

When i logged into my account here , no headsets of mine appear registered despite having the CV1 and Quest 1 which have been registered since purchasing the, 

FINALLY , when trying to open a support ticket , the serial number of my headset appears to be not valid when entering it into the support ticket form . 

I have copied the serial from the inside strap of the headset and yet it still does not accept it .

Please help 

Thank you 



hello, you can open a support ticket via chat without serial number. 

have a look at this thread

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