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No control in Mountain Goat Mountain

Just as the title say - game launches fine and I see the screen explaining the simple controls.  But I'm stuck there, can't do anything - the game won't take any input from my XB1 controller.  Know it's not the controller as the Xbox button takes me to Oculus home and I can navigate and play other games (Lucky's Tale) just fine.  But nothing in MGM, I even made sure the window was in focus and nada.

I feel stupid, am I missing something?

Expert Trustee
At the moment you're stuck and controls are unresponsive, try these 2 things; 1) push oculus home twice (once to take you back to home and once more to go back to the app) if that doesn't work 2) simply unplug the microsoft dongle (square adapter thing) from the usb extending cord, then plug it back in. 3) profit??

Doesn't work for me either.  Tried both tips here. Tried pulling the battery and reinserting, nothing works. Oh well at least it was free.

Yup, same here - had done all that before I even posted, should have clarified.  As said at least it's free but as I was a huge fan of Qbert when I was a kid I was really looking forward to reliving that in VR.  I also worked for a company that was an investor in Zynga so that added to my interest as well.

I'll try it again down the road...

Xbone controller wont work for me either

Expert Trustee
Last ditch effort 1) load up the app with the remote only (leaving gamepad off) wait till all is loaded up > turn on gpad (if it doesn't stay white and go dimmer momentarily >sync both controller and adapter simultaneously) then try both options respectively again. If those don't work, sorry and I guess I'll have to be darn grateful these work for me.
To be clear though; this is a microsoft update thing, not an oculus thing.

You guys not running the Windows 10 Anniversary Update by any chance?

Core i7-7700k @ 4.9 Ghz | 32 GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance @ 3000Mhz | 2x 1TB Samsung Evo | 2x 4GB WD Black
ASUS MAXIMUS IX HERO | MSI AERO GTX 1080 OC @ 2000Mhz | Corsair Carbide Series 400C White (RGB FTW!) 

Be kind to one another 🙂

Go into the game with the remote and the controller off then when in game turn on the controller.  Only fix I found until they fix what the W10 anniversary update broke.  Don't worry you're not alone.

I,m able to get the controller to work but the jump button(A) is very hit & miss,some time it does some time it dont,tried with a different wired controller & still the same.

Honored Visionary
The only control I lose in this game is my self control as I keep playing one more time to beat my score.

System Specs: MSI NVIDIA RTX 4090 , i5 13700K CPU, 32GB DDR 4 RAM, Win 11 64 Bit OS.
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