01-09-2025 01:08 AM - edited 01-09-2025 01:11 AM
When recording in apps such as Rec Room, VRChat, First Steps With Hand Tracking, and Laser Limbo - AR Battle Games, the audio is not recorded. During recording, all in game audio is heard as normal but upon playback of the recordings all in game audio is absent. The only audio present in said recordings are from the microphone an universal menu.
I have done the following to try and recrify the situationto to avail:
Uninstalled and reinstalled said apps
Turned on and off the microphone
Soft reset the headset
Hard reset the headset, including rebooting from the bios menu by holding the volume and power key on boot
Reset all camera settings
My headset is not connected nor has it ever been connected to a pc
There are games that record audio, but a good half of all the games installed are silent in recordings.
I believe this to not be a game issue due to the fact that I have successfully recorded game audio from VRChat and Laser Limbo on Quest 2 when I had one.
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