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No longer charges past 97%


Ever since the v47 update, my device won't charge past 97%.  The light stays orange.  I have to hard reset the device and even that isn't guaranteed.

Also, some software shows it's installing, but stays that way until, again, I reboot the device.  Why does Oculus have so many issues and why aren't these causght in testing??  Seems to be a standard with Oculus after an update.  Frustrating to say the least.


Honored Guest

I came into this thread while searching for the cursed number 97. I am experiencing the exact same battery issue.

It has only happened SINCE the latest update. Its not a problem how the user is charging it, it’s a software problem in the update OR a deliberate obsolescence update to force customers to buy the new one coming out.  

A very shi-tty action taken by this company, just like Apple’s planned obsolescence battery draining updates. Greedy bastards all of you!

The reason they made the battery draining planned obsolescence update is to force us to buy the newest model.  Insidious way to treat their customers.  

The reason they made the battery draining planned obsolescence update is to force us to buy the newest model.  Insidious way to treat their customers.  

Honored Guest

i got the same problem. stuck at 97%. please fix

I'm having exactly this problem. I use the factory provided cable, I have had to leave it plugged in for hours (it takes two hours to even get to 50% sometimes) and it'll still only get as high as 97% exactly. 

Unfortunately, the only fix Meta will provide is factory reset, or send your device in for a refurbished unit.  They will not address it in a software update, which this is definitely a software issue.  It mainly started after  v47.  There are continuing issues with the Quest 2.  I think they release a "patch" without even testing it!

Lately, the issues have been:

  • Guardian randomly displays and it won't disappear unless you restart.
  • Home environment places you in random spots.  In the "ocean" bar, I'll be facing the beach.  Restart, and now I'm facing the bar and have to reset it.
  • WiFi keeps disconnecting even though I'm 5 feet from it.  No other device in my home does this or loses connection.  So it's not my router, it's Quest 2 issue.
  • The "immersive notifications is turned on" keeps displaying, even though in my settings all notifications are turned off.
  • No idea what the new "Refresh your WIFI" really does as I've seen no difference.

Meta wants you to buy the new Meta 3 instead of fixing what they broke.   They are somewhat quick to provide you a refurbished, but when it's a software issue, they keep posting the same blanket statement.



I already got quest 3, was tired of waiting 

Rachel FORST

Honored Guest

Still an issue in 2024.....

Honored Guest

Same here. 97% max charge.

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