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No response from support... Can't get through sensor check during initial setup

Honored Guest
Any help would be appreciated - I think I've tried everything I've found in the forums so far:

Rift S / Gigabyte X570 Aorus Elite motherboard / Gigabyte RX 5700XT GPU. Tried all three onboard USB 3.0 slots, tried both USB 3.1 slots, tried all three display ports - it will give me the green checks when it asks me to connect my headset, but will not get past the next screen (either it keeps checking with no progress, or it times out and says it can't connect). So then i went out and bought the Inateck USB expansion card Oculus recommends, same story. Using the Fresno drivers, it won't even get past the screen where it asks me to connect the wires. If I switch to the generic "USB xHCI Compliant Host Controller," it will get past the connection screen, but still won't complete the sensor check. I've tried messing around with the order I plug in the cables, waiting until it reads the USB connection before plugging in the display port, updating drivers, updating Windows, unplugging/reconnecting the cable at the headset, etc...

If there's any new suggestions, I'd love to try them....

Honored Guest
I'm right here with you. Same problem. It took about 4 working days for support to get with me and all I got was the basic stuff I have already done. Now they tell me to wait another 3-4 working days while they investigate. I'm thinking there is a software problem that will be fixed and fix a lot of these problems.

Honored Guest
I have this exact same problem, and this question is now marked as "answered", but I don't see an answer.

I have the same problem, and have been troubleshooting as much as I can for since Dec 8th.  It worked for a couple days and then when i started up the rift s one day the ground was locked to my movement so I went into try and resetup and ever since its failed.  What I do know is that the device manager is suppose to have 2 rift s under usb.  I have 1 and im sure that is for the audio, the 2nd one people claim to have I belive is a virtual usb device to run the cameras.  For some reason that device is not being triggered to turn on therefor the sensors will fail.  Also when you get the 2nd usb device another device will show up under imaging devices. 

Honored Guest
I also think I have the same problem. Also bought the Inateck USB expansion card but the installation is stuck at the headset sensor check.

I did notice that my Windows sometimes gives me a message which is saying that there aren't enough USB controller resources when I plug in the Rift S. If I'm correct, that message means that there are too much USB devices connected. But I also get the message when only my Rift S is connected.

Do you guys also have this same problem or is this just on my computer?

Honored Guest
I personally haven't gotten any messages about not having enough USB controller resources

I don't have this exact problem as i get through the sensor check but I have nothing but a black screen in my headset with a white light, not orange.  Posted on reddit about it and support was sure quick to jump in on my thread telling me to submit a ticket but has been nothing but silence from them since I have created the ticket.

Honored Guest
yikes! good thing I came across this post. I was about to buy this motherboard for my new VR-ready PC. might reconsider now.. 

I've been browsing the forums quite a bit to make sure everything i'm getting is 100%  compatible with the rift s. seems like everyone is having problems with gear that should be perfectly compatible- definitely frustrating.

hope you can find a solution

Honored Guest
Well gentlemen (and ladies?), no luck. Support got back to me... after their 4 or 5 emails, and a total of about 15+ hours worth of troubleshooting in total, I'm going to be attempting to return the headset. The final answer I was given from support is that my GPU may not be compatible. Hearing that I may be able to solve my problem by just "getting another graphics card" is a little hard to swallow. If a miracle happens, I'll update the post. Maybe I'll wait until I can justify spending $1000 on the Valve Index... Otherwise, good luck all

Well to be fair, that graphics card isn't listed as compatible with the Rift S.

It's not listed for the Index either, so you're probably gonna have the same problem. Except you'll have spent $1000 instead of $400.

You're gonna need an Intel/ Nvidia or AMD machine if you want PC VR.

I can recommend the Oculus Quest. It's standalone and works as a PC VR headset as well. Even without the PC it's an awesome VR experience. Better than a Windows MR headset, but without the PC/ cables.
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