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No sound in the In Between | Asgard's Wrath 2

Honored Guest

For some reasons, I can't hear NPCs when I'm in the In Between, but everything is fine in the first map from what I got to see so far.



Hi @ElementsRide 🙂

After an update i had the same problem - couldn't hear what the npcs said.

But when I started the game the next day, it was back to normal.

If you still have that issue, uninstalling and reinstalling the game might fix that.

I believe we played beat saber together a few years ago?😁



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey @ElementsRide! We know that having audio issues when playing a game is no fun. We want to thank @Choleni for providing those troubleshooting steps! Please let us know how it goes for you! If the issue still occurs after a reinstall, we suggest sending a bug report to the developers since this would be an in-app issue!

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Greetings @ElementsRide- are you faring well in Asgard's Wrath 2 of late? We wanted to check in and see if you were still encountering the audio issue on the first map! Hearken back to us if you still need assistance, with this or any other question or issue.

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