06-27-2022 04:26 PM
Meta/Facebook, I already, last year, aired my grievances about your completely insecure design when sharing the device, here: https://forums.oculusvr.com/t5/Oculus-Quest-2-and-Quest/Full-Facebook-Messenger-data-accessible-to-f...
It seemed to eventually get resolved. But not anymore.
Now I noticed, when logging into the browser, I get a big question asking the user do they want to Facebook login as me, giving them full access to my Facebook profile and messenger any any Facebook authenticated sites. No Oculus pin or pattern needed! Nothing. There is literally no way to prevent this. They can also later go into the browser settings and log in and out as me -- giving them full access to Messenger, and any sites. You couldn't make this up: if you go into Browser "Privacy & Security" settings, there is literally no mention of this or way to prevent it.
Next: bizarrely, in the the native Oculus Messenger app, my Oculus pin is required to log in to Messenger, touted as a feature so that the device can be "shared" safely? What's the point in securing one thing and leaving the same thing (plus so much more), completely open another way, and impossible to prevent?
How can you repeatedly get it so wrong, over and over and over?
Also, after an update, that prompt was no longer needed (it automatically logged me in to Oculus' Messenger).
I'm literally ashamed of your company.
06-29-2022 09:30 AM
Oculus, could we get an explanation for this please? Why can we not prevent Facebook logins in the browser, when sharing the device?
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