12-20-2024 06:34 AM
I'm writing to express my concern about the latest update to the Meta View App for Meta Ray-Ban Smart Glasses. As a heavy user of Meta AI, I'm really sad to find that the update blocks the use of VPNs, which I relied on to access Meta AI from anywhere.
Since Meta AI's global launch, I've been using it extensively, and it has been an invaluable tool for me. However, with this update, I'm now unable to access Meta AI, which is frustrating.
I understand the need for security and geo-restrictions, but I hope you can find a solution that balances these concerns with the needs of global users like myself.
I would like to remind you that Meta AI is available in all other Meta apps everywhere in the world, which makes this restriction even more puzzling.
I would appreciate it if you could reconsider this decision or provide an alternative solution that allows me to continue using Meta AI with my Meta Ray-Ban Smart Glasses.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best regards,
César A. Zevallos Heudebert
12-28-2024 02:08 AM - edited 12-28-2024 02:09 AM
I 100%agree. I feel very conned by meta, as I'm sure many like me feel the same. We are bombarded with media advertising meta Ray-Bans but it's not until you have parted with your hard earned £300, that you find out it is heavily restricted in your country- none of the advertised features are available to you. I feel this is a kind of false advertising and maybe worth referring to the ombudsman as I fear noone else will give a solution.
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