02-13-2020 07:06 AM
I noticed that when a friend msg me or sends me a game invite, I don’t receive a notification & the only way I can tell is when it pops up on my Apple watch or phone, all my settings are clicked on to receive notification’s on my Oculus Quest.
Is any one else having these issues??
09-18-2020 04:38 AM
11-07-2020 05:11 PM
11-18-2020 05:41 AM
03-25-2021 05:00 AM
I've heard that you can't receive notifications because of the experimental features breaking them. What I did to fix this was to factory reset my headset with the power and volume buttons. I've heard that factory resetting from the phone app or the settings doesn't work for fixing this problem so I'd use the volume and power buttons just to be safe. I backed up all of my stuff through oculus browser and uploaded screen and videoshots to google drive if you don't have a pc.
10-14-2021 01:49 PM
I have been having this notification issue for a while now. I have talked to oculus support and they cannot help me. I have been trying to fix it on my own and have been experementing with it. My experiements suggest that its a different feature everytime that breaks it. I have reset my quest 2 multiple times now (4 times and counting) with both different ways. 2 features that I found that breaks it the most are hand tracking and 120hz refresh rate.
10-14-2021 01:52 PM
Even with latest update where they revamped the notification prefrences. it is still broken.
10-14-2021 10:29 PM
Any updates on this? I have the same issue and no help from oculus support and I have factory reset 23 times and exchanged my oculus quest 2 for a new one a d same issue. They work for 5 mins after reset and then stop.
10-20-2021 08:07 PM
Same issue for me!! I got my very first oculus on October 7th. I had to take it back to the store to exchange it by October 15th because it was defective along with the notification issues. Now this new one is having the same issues. Another thing I noticed will break it every time is if you factory reset and then try to download everything at once. All the notifications for “downloading” will show and then after the first game installs it all just disappears. Mine was working fine today until I updated the iPhone Oculus app and my phone connected, then all notifications on the headset quick working again.
10-20-2021 08:20 PM
Hey there, we understand you're having some issues with your notifications not showing up in your headset. We have some troubleshooting steps we would love for you to try so you can game without missing anything important.
Go to Settings on your phone, then tap Bluetooth.
Let us know if you need any further assistance! 😊👍
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