4 weeks ago
I have been trying to connect my meta quest 2 to my pc but when I try to connect it, it doesn't work. I opened the meta quest link app on the pc, and I tried to connect my pc to my meta quest 2 using both link cable and air link. They are both connected to the same internet and when I click the link button on quick settings, it doesn't show my pc on there and is only saying searching for pc. I tried updating the quest and I used 2 different types of cables to connect it wired but it still didn't work.
4 weeks ago
I'm having the exact same issues... I didn't use my headset for a few months it was working fine before. and also ran fine today when it first turned on, worked on steam...then after the latest update that just installed it's not connecting! either there is some serious bugs with the latest update or the always rumoured on here "bricking" is happening!. It's just strange to me how the quest link app has been bulletproof (or at least got better over the years and was very very stable) and now quest 3 is out quest 2's don't seem to work so well!!!!!!!!!!
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