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Not an issue but I have a question with the Batman: Arkham Shadow offer

Honored Guest

Not really an issue but I have a question. I bought a Meta Quest 3 back in May 2024 for my birthday. I already redeemed Asgard's Wrath 2. A couple of months later, I saw that when you get a Meta Quest 3 or 3S, you'll get Batman: Arkham Shadow for free. The offer expires on April 30, 2025, and my Quest, it still says that I have to pay 50 bucks. Is it possible to still redeem Batman: Arkham Shadow if you bought a Meta Quest 3 before the offer was announced? Or is the game tied to an activation or something?


Rising Star

Tied to the date. Activation before got you asgards wrath 2 while activation after Batman came available got you Batman.

I know just enough about tech to look like I know what I'm doing.


Buy yourself a second Quest 3 or Quest 3S and you'll get Batman too😅

Honored Guest


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