06-09-2023 03:36 PM
So I Sent my nephew a gift for a walk about mini golf. The gift was the new addon Journey to the Center of the Earth course. He has 8.5gb of space free and every time I try to update the game it says not enough storage space. Huh???? I don’t get it. The entire walkabout mini golf game doesn’t even take up 6gbs. Help
06-12-2023 01:51 PM
Hey @Coreysavana! We see that you're having some difficulties downloading something to your nephew's headset. We should mention that the recommended space for Mini Golf appears to be in the 8 Gb range. As a result, the add on "Journey to the Center of the Earth" may be too large to download. Have you attempted to make room on the headset as the headset has prompt? If you haven't it would be a good idea to try making a little bit of space just to try downloading. If that doesn't work please let us know.
06-13-2023 03:27 PM
Hello there! Just passing by to see if you're still in need of our assistance.
10-27-2024 04:16 PM
I have 18 gigs free. I now cannot join a private room without updating which I cannot do.
10-27-2024 04:27 PM
Hey there, @natedhhiebert and welcome to the community forums 👋
If it's not letting you complete the update can you try uninstalling the game and reinstalling it fresh?
It may help push the update through and get you back in those private lobbies 🙂
10-27-2024 04:29 PM
I did, uninstalled and reinstalled. The game works but does not update. If we join a private room it asks up to update and then we get the memory error. Do you need more than 18 gigs?
10-27-2024 05:12 PM
The listed download size is 8.12GB but it may not include the size of updates or DLCs 🙂
If the issue persists, it would be best to reach out to the developers for them to look into this 👀
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