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Not possible to buy games and apps trough the website

Honored Guest

Hi all,

When i try to buy apps and games through the website it will never work.

I always get the error "blocked_by_csp" when the popup should come to verify the sale with my creditcard app.

This behaviour happens on:

[1] Samsung S23 Ultra phone.
[2] Desktop (Win 11 - Home network)
[3] Laptop 1 (Win 10 - Company network)
[4] Laptop 2 (Win 11 - Neighbours network)

When i buy games/apps on the Meta Quest 3 itself i have no issues at all.

Are there more people with this issue? And any ideas how i can solve this myself? If possible at all, because i do not think it is an issue on my side, but a Meta issue.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello, hello, @NomadNL! We definitely understand how easier it is to add to your VR collection on the go from our website, and we don't want you losing out! With this in mind, we're very glad to share the following troubleshooting steps to help:

  • Attempt making a purchase from the Meta Quest mobile app instead and let us know your results.
  • Try making this purchase from the website while connected to a different network (another Wi-Fi network or a cellular data connection on a phone, if available).
  • Be sure to disable any VPNs, antivirus, or proxy that may be blocking the Meta servers. 
  • Be sure you are logging into your Meta account before attempting to make a purchase on the website.
  • Try adding then removing the payment method on your Meta account.
If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, @NomadNL! We're checking back in on that issue you were reporting with buying apps through our website. Do you still need assistance? Let us know and we'll be happy to continue from there! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!
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