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Nvidia RTX 3050 Ti graphics card not supported with Oculus Link?


So, like many other people (I've noticed), I have a MSI Katana i7-11800H Nvidia GEFORCE RTX 3050Ti laptop. I've tried every suggestion that I've seen; restarting both the laptop and the Quest 2, disabling the integrated graphics card, updating everything, so on. The only thing I've fixed is the error that said "there's a pending hardware issue". I cannot get the "your graphics card is not compatible with the Rift system requirements" message to go away. Everything, for the most part, works. It brings me to the Rift version of the menu when I click enable link instead of staying at the quest menu, and I can run the tutorial app for the Rift just fine. But it won't let me run any other apps. I downloaded VRChat to test it, and it said that it couldn't run it. I'm honestly at a loss for what's going on, and hoping that an actual solution can be brought forth, cause this is making me mad.

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So, it's a year later since this forum post and I'm also having the same issue, because I also have an RTX 3050ti. Do you have any updates, maybe drivers or something I can install to help resolve this issue/incompatibility with my graphics driver? It's infuriating when I don't have good performance with a laptop that can handle VR well.

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No need for any further assistance. The Dell was such a piece of junk. After 8 months of hell, I finally got my $2500 back. Never buy another Dell.

There is already 30 december 2023 years!!! And the problem persist yet! 

That's not the point, you and or your team lied to us. I wouldn't have purchased the PC I did if I would've known I couldn't rely on the information that was provided before purchase... I shouldn't need virtual desktop in order to play my games... My point and argument still stands. Can't back a company that lies to it's consumers... I enjoy my oculus anyways, just wish you guys would fess up and fix the issue.

No news, but I did wake up the other day with a bunch of credits on my meta app smh, I guess that was an apology of some sort.... I'm already over it and updgrading to a 4090, wish the issue would've gotten resolved.... Would'nt be upgrading otherwise, my current is more than enough... If possible I suggest the same, i'm getting the msi titain, pretty affordable and powerful. Good luck to you bro!!!

I'm confused.  There is a post above stating it doesn't work, and then there are is a different response above that indicates the fix was coming...2 years ago.  i even see folks saying afterwards that it was fixed. Yet when I bought my headset and installed the link software a couple of days ago, it gave me the same video card not supported error.  Was this issue fixed or not because I just invested a ton of money into this headset and if after two years you guys still haven't figured out a way to correct the issue, i'll need to return it since like many others I'm way too invested in my steam library at this point to have to jump to a new environment and repurchase all of my games.
For the record I have a Microsoft Surface Studio Laptop with a 3050Ti card installed.  Can someone in support confirm if this is/isn't fixed, and if it is, what the fix might be?  Otherwise, you might just want to edit or remove the above post from MetaQuestSupport basically saying they're working on it in January of 2022.

It's been 2 F'ing years A WHOLE NEW SERIES IS OUT AND HAS FULL SUPPORT. The 3050's Can handle Vr better than most of your compatible Cards It would take one small update to give it support. A lot of people myself Included Bought A 3050 ti before you Decided to locked it And it worked way better than my previous card ON THE SUPPORT LIST! I've been waiting Paitiontly for years Mind you several People have this problem and voice it Fairly often. Please fix As soon as possible 

I would return the headset if I were you, unless you can replace your laptop for one that has a supported card. The folks at Meta have proven that they don't care about this issue and will more than likely not fix it. It seems to be hit or miss. I was able to get it to work for a bit but to be honest, I parked my headset in my closet and got to a point where I dislike Meta too much to bring it out or purchase any of their new products. I'll likely invest in a psvr2 headset at some point but waiting a bit to see if anything else is worth it, like Pico or any competitor. I'll never invest another dime in anything Meta again because of this issue so I definitely feel everyone's pain.

Meta has proven that they don't care about this issue. They will not fix it. The best you can do is to boycott all Meta products. Save pennies and go with PSVR2. Colors and white/black ratio is beyond what Meta can accomplish anyways. That company is now useless to me and have proven to be incompetent on many levels. I'm continually hoping for their complete failure, all based on this issue and many others including privacy issues, stupid terms and Mark Z who's the biggest goof of them all. Support psvr2 and other competitors instead.

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