12-01-2023 04:03 PM
Hello, I have been trying for a little while now, but when ever I try to use the OCULUS30 discount code in the walking dead saints and sinners game, it dose not work. I know this is happening to other people, but I have not yet found a solution. Any suggestions?
12-01-2023 05:09 PM - edited 12-01-2023 05:11 PM
My last 30% was "META30". Did you try that?
There are a ton of ways to get 25%, like using a referral link. You could also do that.
12-07-2023 10:34 AM
Hi @anotherperson64 ! We understand how important this game is to you and we would love to help you keep playing. First, we will need you to send us a PM so we can gather your account information. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
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