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OVRLibrarian.exe exited with code 104 (failure)

Honored Guest
I can't install the new Oculus software to go with my release Rift that just arrived. I get the "Sorry we encountered an error during installation."

Having to download this entire 800 meg file ever time is not good. Not being able to set the install directory also not good.

I read some of the other threads with install issues.  I use Norton 360, which manages the windows firewall. I tried disabling it, but i still get this error.  

Any fixes for this yet? 

Here is what the log says... what does code 104 mean?

[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:27:21 AM] Installing 'Visual C++ 2013' redistributable.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:27:30 AM] Process C:\Users\Shane\AppData\Local\Temp\OculusSetup-13209861-a091-40e5-a9ad-d35dc42b6c2e\visual-cpp-2013.exe exited with code 0 (success).
[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:27:30 AM] Installing 'Visual C++ 2013 x86' redistributable.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:27:52 AM] Process C:\Users\Shane\AppData\Local\Temp\OculusSetup-13209861-a091-40e5-a9ad-d35dc42b6c2e\visual-cpp-2013-x86.exe exited with code 0 (success).
[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:27:52 AM] Installing 'Visual C++ 2015' redistributable.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:28:13 AM] Process C:\Users\Shane\AppData\Local\Temp\OculusSetup-13209861-a091-40e5-a9ad-d35dc42b6c2e\visual-cpp-2015.exe exited with code 0 (success).
[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:28:13 AM] Install 'Install necessary redistributables.' succeeded.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:28:13 AM] Total files inside Oculus directory: 0 files
[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:28:13 AM] Initial RmGetResut: 0, number: 0, reason 0
[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:28:13 AM] Install 'Set up C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus and OVRLibrarian.' succeeded.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:28:13 AM] Installing oculus-runtime.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:28:14 AM] Process C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus\Support\oculus-librarian\OVRLibrarian.exe exited with code 104 (failure).
[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:28:14 AM] Install 'Install all downloaded packages.' failed.
[Warning] [3/31/2016 12:28:14 AM] Rolling back installation.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:28:14 AM] Uninstall 'Install all downloaded packages.' succeeded.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:28:14 AM] Total files inside Oculus directory: 4 files
[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:28:14 AM] Initial RmGetResut: 0, number: 0, reason 0
[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:28:14 AM] Uninstall 'Set up C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus and OVRLibrarian.' succeeded.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 12:28:14 AM] Uninstall 'Install necessary redistributables.' succeeded.


Expert Protege
Does this or this help?

Honored Guest
My Nvidia drivers are up to date.  This is a home PC, and I have never had issues like this installing apps before.

I do not see the Windows Firewall service listed under services. Is it actually listed as that?

If I run Windows Firewall I get this.

If you right click on the Norton 360 icon, you get this menu. I tried disabling Smart Firewall, and Auto-Protect.


I also set the firewall to allow OculusSetup.exe.


I tried installing again after this, and still get the same error.

[Debug] [3/31/2016 8:44:06 AM] Installing 'Visual C++ 2013' redistributable.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 8:44:16 AM] Process C:\Users\Shane\AppData\Local\Temp\OculusSetup-466bf2d9-3f1c-4ae9-9908-1fa55d874d2c\visual-cpp-2013.exe exited with code 0 (success).
[Debug] [3/31/2016 8:44:16 AM] Installing 'Visual C++ 2013 x86' redistributable.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 8:44:37 AM] Process C:\Users\Shane\AppData\Local\Temp\OculusSetup-466bf2d9-3f1c-4ae9-9908-1fa55d874d2c\visual-cpp-2013-x86.exe exited with code 0 (success).
[Debug] [3/31/2016 8:44:37 AM] Installing 'Visual C++ 2015' redistributable.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 8:44:56 AM] Process C:\Users\Shane\AppData\Local\Temp\OculusSetup-466bf2d9-3f1c-4ae9-9908-1fa55d874d2c\visual-cpp-2015.exe exited with code 0 (success).
[Debug] [3/31/2016 8:44:56 AM] Install 'Install necessary redistributables.' succeeded.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 8:44:57 AM] Install 'Set up C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus and OVRLibrarian.' succeeded.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 8:44:57 AM] Installing oculus-runtime.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 8:44:57 AM] Process C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus\Support\oculus-librarian\OVRLibrarian.exe exited with code 104 (failure).
[Debug] [3/31/2016 8:44:57 AM] Install 'Install all downloaded packages.' failed.
[Warning] [3/31/2016 8:44:57 AM] Rolling back installation.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 8:44:57 AM] Uninstall 'Install all downloaded packages.' succeeded.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 8:44:57 AM] Total files inside Oculus directory: 4 files
[Debug] [3/31/2016 8:44:57 AM] Initial RmGetResut: 0, number: 0, reason 0
[Debug] [3/31/2016 8:44:58 AM] Uninstall 'Set up C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus and OVRLibrarian.' succeeded.
[Debug] [3/31/2016 8:44:58 AM] Uninstall 'Install necessary redistributables.' succeeded.

I also looked at the Norton 360 history after this install failed, and nothing new shows up.

I also did right click run as Administrator.

Still same error.

Honored Guest

Honored Guest
Bump Bump!!

Seems you have the same problem as myself. I've probably downloaded the 800mb 40 times now. Not the most useful use of internet bandwidth! Hopefully we hear something today.

Shane, let's see if we can get closer to the problem ourselves. Can you open "Event Viewer", Select "Windows Logs" -> "System", and look through the entries and see an ERROR during installation times that says:

A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the OVRLibraryService service to connect.


Honored Guest
on my side i am getting :OVRLibrarian.exe exited with code 12(failure)

Honored Guest
My Windows event log says... A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the OVRLibraryService service to connect.

Honored Guest
I just got a brand new Dell XPS in today (the one that is supposedly Oculus ready) and it fails to install the runtime as well. At first, it seems it was because I had the VC++ 2015 redistributables already installed, so I had to remove them. Now I am getting this error as well.

Process C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus\Support\oculus-librarian\OVRLibrarian.exe exited with code 7 (failure).

Only thing I see in the event viewer is Event 7024, Service Control Manager
The OVRLibraryService service terminated with the following service-specific error: 
The storage control blocks were destroyed.

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