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OVRServer x64.exe


This process continues to run in the background even after I terminate the Meta Quest Link application. Aside from consuming unnecessary processor resources, it persistently causes the mouse cursor to display a loading iconoculus bug.png


Expert Consultant

It's the service on which the Meta app depends. If you don't want it running, you can stop the "Oculus VR Runtime Service". You can also set it to run manually if you like, in which case it will only start when the app does. I use batch files to stop and start it on demand

net stop "oculus vr runtime service"

net start "oculus vr runtime service"

Thanks, setting it to manual worked perfectly! I got help from Gemini, Google's language model, for the complete procedure. Here are the steps it provided that helped me resolve the issue:
How to set Oculus VR Runtime service to manual startup:
By setting the Oculus VR Runtime service to manual startup, you can control when the service starts and stops, reducing system resource usage when you're not using the Oculus app.
Here's how to do it:
Open the Services window:
Press the Windows key and type "Services".
Open the "Services" app.
Locate the Oculus VR Runtime Service:
Scroll through the list of services until you find "Oculus VR Runtime Service".
Double-click on it to open its properties.
Set startup type to Manual:
In the Properties window, find the "Startup type" section.
From the dropdown menu, select "Manual".
Click "Apply" and then "OK" to save the changes.
With these steps, the service will only start automatically when you launch the Oculus app.
I hope this helps others who might be facing the same problem.
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