01-08-2023 03:21 PM - edited 01-08-2023 03:26 PM
I have a PC with Windows 10 which passes all hardware tests to install the Oculus App and the Oculus Rift S VR.
I have updated all drivers, softwares and uninstalled all potential softwares that could interfere. I have completed numerous successful installs and uninstalls of the Oculus app (in admin mode). But when I launch the Oculus App I always get the same issue. I can't even get to the step where I must plugin the headset and start the configuration. The OVRServer_x64.exe launches and then always fails with exception code 0xc0000409. I can view this in the windows event manager (in French):
"Nom de l’application défaillante OVRServer_x64.exe, version :, horodatage : 0x95b11811
Nom du module défaillant : OVRServer_x64.exe, version :, horodatage : 0x95b11811
Code d’exception : 0xc0000409
Décalage d’erreur : 0x000000000042447d
ID du processus défaillant : 0x1840
Heure de début de l’application défaillante : 0x01d923970846da7f
Chemin d’accès de l’application défaillante : C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-runtime\OVRServer_x64.exe
Chemin d’accès du module défaillant: C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-runtime\OVRServer_x64.exe
ID de rapport : 700701f4-788c-48f1-8cd9-680e2ec2ed52
Nom complet du package défaillant :
ID de l’application relative au package défaillant :"
I have reach out to the support, but just got the standard recommandations of uninstalling, cleaning, remove potential interfering software. Even doing this doesn't resolve the issue. Install is Okay, but first launch fails.
I have spotted a couple of ERROR messages in my first Service_YYYY-MM-DD_HH.MM.SS.txt but when I compare to the same file from a friend who also has an Oculus Rifts S, I can see he also has same ERROR messages and they don't cause his app to fail.
Line 618: 08/01 20:22:05.207 {!ERROR!} [os/file] Unable to open path '\\?\Volume{8eab75d5-1950-497c-ac73-8ef979cc5fa0}\Oculus\Software [3]
Ligne 619: 08/01 20:22:05.207 {!ERROR!} [OAF ERROR] arvr\projects\oculus_pc_infra\oaf\liboaf\os\file.cpp(613) : Error normalising path (1971039)
Line 632: 08/01 20:22:05.214 {!ERROR!} [OAF ERROR] arvr\projects\oculus_pc_infra\oaf\liboaf\package\librarian.cpp(1109) : Local migration failed: regen-third-party-assets (1971039)
Line 633: 08/01 20:22:05.214 {!ERROR!} [Librarian] Local migration regen-third-party-assets failed
Line 638: 08/01 20:22:05.216 {!ERROR!} [OAF ERROR] arvr\projects\oculus_pc_infra\oaf\liboaf\os\file.cpp(1012) : Failed to open file: Access refused. (1971052)
Line 639: 08/01 20:22:05.217 {!ERROR!} [OAF ERROR] arvr\projects\oculus_pc_infra\oaf\liboaf\os\file.cpp(1012) : Failed to open file: Access denied. (1971052)
Line 640: 08/01 20:22:05.217 {!ERROR!} [OAF ERROR] arvr\projects\oculus_pc_infra\oaf\liboaf\os\file.cpp(1012) : Failed to open file: Access denied. (1971052)
Line 641: 08/01 20:22:05.217 {!ERROR!} [OAF ERROR] arvr\projects\oculus_pc_infra\oaf\liboaf\os\file.cpp(1012) : Failed to open file: Access denied. (1971052)
Line 642: 08/01 20:22:05.217 {!ERROR!} [OAF ERROR] arvr\projects\oculus_pc_infra\oaf\liboaf\os\file.cpp(1012) : Failed to open file: Access denied. (1971052)
Line 643: 08/01 20:22:05.217 {!ERROR!} [OAF ERROR] arvr\projects\oculus_pc_infra\oaf\liboaf\os\file.cpp(1012) : Failed to open file: Access denied. (1971052)
Line 644: 08/01 20:22:05.218 {!ERROR!} [OAF ERROR] arvr\projects\oculus_pc_infra\oaf\liboaf\os\file.cpp(1012) : Failed to open file: Access denied. (1971052)
Line 645: 08/01 20:22:05.218 {!ERROR!} [OAF ERROR] arvr\projects\oculus_pc_infra\oaf\liboaf\os\file.cpp(1012) : Failed to open file: Access denied. (1971052)
Line 649: 08/01 20:22:05.257 {WARNING} [os/process] QueryFullProcessImageNameW call failed, GetLastError: 31
Line 652: 08/01 20:22:05.257 {WARNING} [os/process] QueryFullProcessImageNameW call failed, GetLastError: 31
Ligne 656: 08/01 20:22:05.289 {WARNING} [os/process] QueryFullProcessImageNameW call failed, GetLastError: 31
Line 659: 08/01 20:22:05.290 {WARNING} [os/process] QueryFullProcessImageNameW call failed, GetLastError: 31
Line 666: 08/01 20:22:07.465 {!ERROR!} [OAF ERROR] [Aggregated 21 times] arvr\projects\oculus_pc_infra\oaf\liboaf\package\librarian.cpp(1109) : Local migration failed: regen-third-party-assets (1971039)
Line 687: 08/01 20:22:35.121 {!ERROR!} [OAF ERROR] arvr\projects\oculus_pc_infra\oaf\liboaf\profile\profile.cpp(902) : Not logged in. (1971001) OVR11354787
Line 688: 08/01 20:22:35.121 {!ERROR!} [IpcRouter] Command /accounts/linked_accounts caused an error: OVR11354787
Line 691: 08/01 20:22:35.146 {!ERROR!} [OAF ERROR] arvr\projects\oculus_pc_infra\oaf\liboaf\os\file.cpp(65) : Failed to open file: the path specified can't be found. (1971052)
In further Service logs I can see the message that the my Server has crashed. Which my friend doesn't have:
Line 335 : 08/01 20:23:34.161 {INFO} [Server] Found service crash. GUID: 095ad54431968a0c32ee7000b1bf02ab
I just can't remove all the apps on my computer just to see which one interferes. It would be better to look at the logs and let me know, what is causing the OVRServer_x64 failure.
I am really disappointed that buying such an expensive piece of hardware, I can't get a precise diagnostic of what is going wrong. I have installed hundred of softwares and devices before on the computer without any issue.
It can't be that difficult to simply install a software on a Windows 10 computer !
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-16-2023 08:53 AM - edited 01-16-2023 08:54 AM
I was able to analyze the Crash dumps generated by OVRService_x64x using the Windows Debug tool.
The root cause was "Buffer Stack Overrun" that caused Windows to interrupt the OVRService_x64.
I tried to disable the DEP (Data Execution Protection) for this program in Windows, but i didn't solve the issue.
I had no other option than reinstall a clean new version of Windows 10 in order to resolve this issue.
I had to reinstall all my apps en lost some application data in the process.
There must have been something wrong in my previous Windows 10 configuration and I am very sad it was not possible to spot exactly what it was, so I could have only repaired/removed the faulty elements instead of reinstalling the whole system.
Solution : reinstall a clean version of Windows
01-08-2023 03:35 PM
I have these messages in the OVRRedir log, which my friend doesn't have:
08/01 20:24:05.048 {INFO} [SetActiveOpenXRRuntime] Found existing value for SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenXR\1\ActiveRuntime for WOW64_64, not overwriting.
08/01 20:24:05.049 {!ERROR!} [SetActiveOpenXRRuntime] Registry key SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenXR\1\AvailableRuntimes\C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-runtime\oculus_openxr_64.json query failed (type of data not handled.), overwriting.
And I can see there are several OVRServer_x64.exe.XXXXX.dmp files in the folder Diagnostics\OculusCrashDumps\ when I run the tool OculusLogGatherer.exe
01-16-2023 08:53 AM - edited 01-16-2023 08:54 AM
I was able to analyze the Crash dumps generated by OVRService_x64x using the Windows Debug tool.
The root cause was "Buffer Stack Overrun" that caused Windows to interrupt the OVRService_x64.
I tried to disable the DEP (Data Execution Protection) for this program in Windows, but i didn't solve the issue.
I had no other option than reinstall a clean new version of Windows 10 in order to resolve this issue.
I had to reinstall all my apps en lost some application data in the process.
There must have been something wrong in my previous Windows 10 configuration and I am very sad it was not possible to spot exactly what it was, so I could have only repaired/removed the faulty elements instead of reinstalling the whole system.
Solution : reinstall a clean version of Windows
11-25-2024 11:41 AM
Since it's a relatively recent issue I'll post the what helped me here 🌚
My stacktrace looks a bit different:
ExceptionAddress: 00007fff3d8b8100 (nvEncodeAPI64!NvToolSetInterface+0x0000000000000300)
ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)
ExceptionFlags: 00000000
NumberParameters: 2
Parameter[0]: 0000000000000008
Parameter[1]: 00007fff3d8b8100
Attempt to execute non-executable address 00007fff3d8b8100
PROCESS_NAME: OVRServer_x64.exe
EXECUTE_ADDRESS: 7fff3d8b8100
00007fff`3d8b8100 48895c2408 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rbx
ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - 0x%p 0x%p. %s.
EXCEPTION_PARAMETER1: 0000000000000008
EXCEPTION_PARAMETER2: 00007fff3d8b8100
0000001c`bfcfd048 00007ff6`74e0d722 : 00001b55`490108d1 00007ff6`00000009 00001b55`49011641 00000000`000000d8 : nvEncodeAPI64!NvToolSetInterface+0x300
0000001c`bfcfd050 00007ff6`74e08baa : 00000000`00000001 00000147`162f00a8 00000000`ffffffff 00007fff`b5f1b86b : OVRServer_x64!Json::PrintTo+0x1c09e2
0000001c`bfcfd080 00007ff6`74e0cd84 : 00000147`162f00a8 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000000 00000000`ffffffff : OVRServer_x64!Json::PrintTo+0x1bbe6a
0000001c`bfcfd250 00007ff6`74d7feac : 00000147`1268c3a0 00000000`00000001 00000000`ffffffff 00000000`ffffffff : OVRServer_x64!Json::PrintTo+0x1c0044
0000001c`bfcfd280 00007ff6`74d86014 : 00000000`00000001 0000001c`bfcfd590 00000000`ffffffff ffffffff`ffffffff : OVRServer_x64!Json::PrintTo+0x13316c
0000001c`bfcfd2b0 00007ff6`74c13b73 : 00000147`1701de60 00000147`11998128 00000147`15f73050 00000000`00000000 : OVRServer_x64!Json::PrintTo+0x1392d4
0000001c`bfcfd2e0 00007ff6`74d6bd4b : 00000147`1701de60 0000001c`bfcfd410 00000147`11998128 00000147`15f73050 : OVRServer_x64!Json::ValueConstIterator::operator+++0x58d13
0000001c`bfcfd310 00007ff6`74d6e163 : 00000000`00000057 00000147`15f73070 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : OVRServer_x64!Json::PrintTo+0x11f00b
0000001c`bfcff770 00007ff6`74e6d12c : 00000147`15f25cc0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : OVRServer_x64!Json::PrintTo+0x121423
0000001c`bfcff7a0 00007fff`b4ac7374 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : OVRServer_x64!Json::PrintTo+0x2203ec
0000001c`bfcff7d0 00007fff`b5f3cc91 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14
0000001c`bfcff800 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
SYMBOL_NAME: nvEncodeAPI64+68100
IMAGE_NAME: nvEncodeAPI64.dll
STACK_COMMAND: ~104s; .ecxr ; kb
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: BAD_INSTRUCTION_PTR_c0000005_nvEncodeAPI64.dll!Unloaded
OS_VERSION: 10.0.19041.1
BUILDLAB_STR: vb_release
OSNAME: Windows 10
FAILURE_ID_HASH: {3f85fa5a-6423-1561-bd38-b37f3e2d0369}
Followup: MachineOwner
Solution: I went to Windows update center and installed all of the updates, including optional ones, rebooted and no more crashes! No videostream though, ha-ha
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