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Oculus ( Issue Tracking Touch and Sensors Jump

I have 3 constellation, in the previous version everything worked "well", had micro jumps but little more. Now the change is very radical and the jumps are much worse.

And in this video you can see how the constellation jumps

All with the last versión release today: Oculus (

Honored Guest
Exactly the same with me. Never had any problems the last update, now there are so many glitches whenever i turn around. Doesn't seem to relate to which camera is seeing the touch controllers, even. Since they both jitter and glitch out at the exact same time, regardless of how far apart they are.

Not applicable
I was running 4 sensors and it worked really well up until this update today. Now it's a disaster. Been messing with it for 3 hours. Super jumpy tracking. Floor depth changes on the fly. Went from a 9 x 9 area now to 6 x 6. Next I'm going to only run 3 sensors and see what that does. I need to figure out how to roll back that update. 

Count me in - had a very little warble going from front to rear sensor, now I get jumps pretty much like the first video, and a little momentary jumping in the right controller... sigh.... running 3 sensors btw.

Not applicable
Ok, i just went back to 3 sensor from 4. Re-ran setup from the start. Its tracking better than it did running 3 sensors on the old firmware. So not able to use 4 sensor anymore but improved 3 sensor tracking for me. 

Came here to post exact same thing, my 3 cameras are jiggling the entire time I do calibration.

In Oculus Home and SteamVR (Onward) my hands are way worse than they were pre-patch.

Not applicable
I have 2 sensors setup front facing and tracking is worst after the update, even after running the setup again. This is heartbreaking. Tracking is fine when both sensors sees the controllers but when one controller is occluded from one sensor, they both jump now.

Expert Protege
Had the problem with the previous version this made it 10 times worse no exaggeration, in the last bit of setup wear you put the headset on the camera's were flying round the room lol

Not applicable
My tracking is bad. 😞 I'm getting the same issues...  

Expert Protege
None of it is inspiring me with confidence, from the white splash screen on start of home to the 2 blue light things in the water on the left (that is a bug as well) but we can straighten the carpet. Well all you can do is laugh now, it's comical 😄
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